Tag Archives: Billboards

Videos & Billboards: A Powerful Combo !

Videos and Billboards: A Powerful Combo


Peter Swarr

At first glance, you may not think that videos and billboards complement each other particularly well. A video can be watched anytime and anywhere, while a billboard can only be seen while driving along a specific stretch of highway. Videos also consist of thousands of individual images that build on and play off of each other, whereas a billboard presents a single, constant image to the viewer which will remain the same no matter if it is seen one or one hundred times. Yet incorporating both billboards and video into your marketing campaign can provide greater returns than simply using one or the other.

Advertising-conscious business owners have long known the benefits of a good billboard. Not only does a billboard efficiently pitch your business to potential customers, but those who frequently pass it – i.e. the local audience that needs to see your message the most – will receive the pitch over and over until it’s firmly ingrained in their mind. Repeatedly seeing a billboard will also allow them to make mental notes of your key information (address, phone number, etc), which they may not have been able to recall upon first glance. A good billboard also should feature a one-sentence pitch, short and to the point, without any extraneous information to cloud your audience’s recall.
Fine, you may say, I already know what a billboard can do for me. Why should I use video alongside it? Well, unlike billboards, video allows you to really tell your business’ story and communicate your message gradually, rather than in a single image meant to be seen for a matter of seconds. With video, you can go beyond that one-sentence pitch and include all the information that you want. Video also, being composed of movement, naturally holds the viewer’s attention and stimulates their senses in a way that traditional advertising avenues such as billboards never can.
By creating complementary advertising campaigns for billboards and videos, you will strengthen your message’s impact twofold. When potential customers who’ve seen your billboard watch your video, they will be reminded of the billboard’s key information, strengthening their recall of it and moving it up on their internal prominence scale. Likewise, when they see your billboard again, it will remind them of your video’s in-depth message and make them want to re-watch it to get a better sense of your company’s message.

Together, billboards and videos can work wonders for your business. Let us help you enhance your traditional billboard ad with a hip, modern video and get you on your way to boosting your image, drawing in new customers and improving your local presence for years to come.